Monday, May 05, 2008

Artefact 6

The final artefact created was done using direct x10 graphics from the game engine crysis. I used the same setup as the previous artefact with the headset and head tracking but hopefully the use of better graphics would prove to be more immersive.
Using the games editor, sandbox 2, I created an environment with a large tower in it. The screen shots below show the editor. One thing about the editor that really standouts from others is the fact that all the editing is rendered in real time, just how you would see it in the game. It allows the editor to see what the environment will actually look like rather than having to keep testing it in the engine. The environment allows a very large amount of freedom. It allows users to pick up certain objects, climb ladders, swim in water, drive vehicles etc. This wide range of features can allow a practitioner to edit the environment to meet a whole variety of different fears without having to completely model and texture every item. The weather and daylight system within the editor mimic real life very accurately and could also be used in the treatment of fears. E.g. the dark. There could be a few improvements to create a more polished system for example having a higher resolution headset would be great to show more detail and removing the arms/weapons of the character would ideally give a better sense of presence.

Direct x10 provides the ability to use some fairly unique features such as motion blur. when the headset is moved the background blurs as it moves. The environment is ultra realistic and couldn't really be matched by a dedicated environment built just for VRET purposes.

Monday, April 21, 2008

artefact 5

Following on from my last artefact, I decided to keep the software and environment pretty similar and upgraded the hardware side of things. I managed to get hold of the universities old VR headset. It only has a resolution of 600x800 which was not as good as i had hoped but was adequate for what i wanted to test. The headset didn't come with motion tracking so once again i retrofit the gyroscopic mouse to it so that head movement would be interpreted by the game engine.

The first test failed to work as the resolution of the pc was set too high for the headset. so this was lowered and the headset display worked. having the display only at 600x800 pixels, a great deal of quality and clarity is lost.

i used a bluetooth keyboard as another input device to control forward and backward movement however this became quite tricky without being able to see the keys. a better option would have been to possibly use a game pad or joystick.

The benefits of this set up mean that not much room is need for it to function. it is relatively cheap to pick up a headset (around £100 for one from ebay) and is very simple to use. just plug and play. An additional monitor can be used so the practitioner can monitor the patients moves during the therapy and guide them as to what to do.

however using the headset can cause some negative effects. while trying the method out, after about 3 mins i became a bit motion sick and had to remove the headset in order to get back to normal.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Client Project FINISHED

Thank god thats finished!! wooo

handed in on time and to a pretty good standard. a few things in there that i would change but not to worry.

music is by my friends band the Milk Carton Kidz. think it suits the walk through!


Sunday, April 06, 2008

Computer Arts magazine competition

Computer Arts magazine competition

im going to enter this competition. doubt i will win but worth a go


Client Project Teaser

Thought i should put a video together with some of my client project in


music by radiohead... (please don't sue me)

out of hours

Thought i would add some more images that i have done out of university.

Render Bender

Ok so im finally rendering my work as the deadline is fast approaching. in a week i have rendered about 1 min worth of video and 6 stills. bare in mind i have been working nights at the airport at the same time! i have this week off however and will be putting all my efforts into getting this done. i need to go get some stuff printed out and buy a blank DVD and case. ill make a cover for that too.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Artefact 4

With this being the 4th artefact, i wanted to try and create an environment that was more interactive with the user. After discovering that the universities VR headset did not have motion tracking i set about trying to use a gyroscopic mouse to transfer head movements to the environment.
As all my previous artefacts were not real time environments i had to go about in making a real time world. There are a number of ways to do this but i decided to use computer game engines as a basis. This is a much easier alternative to trying to create them using max and would benefit a physiologist's as games are very cheap compared to 3d software and often have editors bundled with them for free. I have chosen to use the game "armed assault" because it comes with a great level editor and is very realist in its look and feel unlike many "spacey" type games around.

To create the head tracking device, i used a hat to mount the gyroscopic mouse to using electrical tape. the trigger button also had to be tapped down to enable tracking.

For the environment, i created a variety of locations with the idea to stimulate the fear of heights in mind. I created one with a lighthouse like the other artefact, a mobile phone mast and also just some high cliffs/mountains.

The environment was then viewed on a 42" plasma screen. Theses are becoming widely available nowadays and have great quality.

more work needed i feel

Just been texturing the floors and made the conservatory. i think i rushed it and could do loads better but just not right now so will come back and work on it later. some floor textures look naff too. i wish i could have real grass down but feel it will take a lifetime to render.


been making trees. think the leafs look crap so am going to make a winter scene with no leafs!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Friday, February 29, 2008


Tweeked those parts that needed doing. working on the side of the building now. working my way onto the conservatory. need to figure out the terrain as one side is higher than the other.