Monday, May 05, 2008

Artefact 6

The final artefact created was done using direct x10 graphics from the game engine crysis. I used the same setup as the previous artefact with the headset and head tracking but hopefully the use of better graphics would prove to be more immersive.
Using the games editor, sandbox 2, I created an environment with a large tower in it. The screen shots below show the editor. One thing about the editor that really standouts from others is the fact that all the editing is rendered in real time, just how you would see it in the game. It allows the editor to see what the environment will actually look like rather than having to keep testing it in the engine. The environment allows a very large amount of freedom. It allows users to pick up certain objects, climb ladders, swim in water, drive vehicles etc. This wide range of features can allow a practitioner to edit the environment to meet a whole variety of different fears without having to completely model and texture every item. The weather and daylight system within the editor mimic real life very accurately and could also be used in the treatment of fears. E.g. the dark. There could be a few improvements to create a more polished system for example having a higher resolution headset would be great to show more detail and removing the arms/weapons of the character would ideally give a better sense of presence.

Direct x10 provides the ability to use some fairly unique features such as motion blur. when the headset is moved the background blurs as it moves. The environment is ultra realistic and couldn't really be matched by a dedicated environment built just for VRET purposes.

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