Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Artefact 4

With this being the 4th artefact, i wanted to try and create an environment that was more interactive with the user. After discovering that the universities VR headset did not have motion tracking i set about trying to use a gyroscopic mouse to transfer head movements to the environment.
As all my previous artefacts were not real time environments i had to go about in making a real time world. There are a number of ways to do this but i decided to use computer game engines as a basis. This is a much easier alternative to trying to create them using max and would benefit a physiologist's as games are very cheap compared to 3d software and often have editors bundled with them for free. I have chosen to use the game "armed assault" because it comes with a great level editor and is very realist in its look and feel unlike many "spacey" type games around.

To create the head tracking device, i used a hat to mount the gyroscopic mouse to using electrical tape. the trigger button also had to be tapped down to enable tracking.

For the environment, i created a variety of locations with the idea to stimulate the fear of heights in mind. I created one with a lighthouse like the other artefact, a mobile phone mast and also just some high cliffs/mountains.

The environment was then viewed on a 42" plasma screen. Theses are becoming widely available nowadays and have great quality.

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